Source code for

import math

import argparse
import numpy as np
import h5py
import itertools as it
from import fits
from astropy.table import Table, vstack

from import (

__all__ = ["create_naive_maps"]

[docs] def create_naive_maps(stats_filename, pix_size=10.0, verbose=False): """ Make the naive maps by directly averaging the BEAST results for all the stars in each pixel. Does not account for completeness, hence naive maps! Parameters ---------- stats_filename : string or list of strings name(s) of the catalog(s) of BEAST results pix_size : float (default=10) size of pixels/regions in arcsec """ # type of statistic (make a commandline parameter later) # remember to add to output filenames stat_type = "Exp" # read in the full brick catalog if isinstance(stats_filename, str): stats_filename = [stats_filename] cat =[0]) if len(stats_filename) > 1: for fname in stats_filename[1:]: tcat = cat = vstack([cat, tcat]) # make RA/Dec grid ra = cat["RA"] dec = cat["DEC"] pixsize_degrees = pix_size / 3600 n_x, n_y, ra_delt, dec_delt = calc_nx_ny_from_pixsize(cat, pixsize_degrees) # the ra spacing needs to be larger, as 1 degree of RA == # cos(DEC) degrees on the great circle ra_grid = ra.min() + ra_delt * np.arange(0, n_x + 1, dtype=float) dec_grid = dec.min() + dec_delt * np.arange(0, n_y + 1, dtype=float) # generate the wcs info for the output FITS files w = make_wcs_for_map(ra_grid, dec_grid) # get the pixel coordinates for each source pix_x, pix_y = get_pix_coords(cat, w) # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() # for ease of checking the bin, set x/y coords to integers x = np.floor(pix_x) y = np.floor(pix_y) # setup arrary to store summary stats per pixel sum_stats = ["Av", "Rv", "f_A"] n_sum = len(sum_stats) summary_stats = np.zeros((n_y + 1, n_x + 1, n_sum + 1), dtype=float) summary_sigmas = np.zeros((n_y + 1, n_x + 1, n_sum), dtype=float) values_foreach_pixel = { cur_stat: {(i, j): [] for i in range(n_x + 1) for j in range(n_y + 1)} for cur_stat in sum_stats } # loop through the pixels and generate the summary stats for i in range(n_x + 1): for j in range(n_y + 1): (tindxs,) = np.where((x == i) & (y == j)) # tindxs, = np.where((x == i) & (y == j) & (cat['chi2min'] < 10.)) if len(tindxs) > 0: summary_stats[j, i, n_sum] = len(tindxs) if verbose: print(i, j, len(tindxs)) for k, cur_stat in enumerate(sum_stats): values = cat[cur_stat + "_" + stat_type][tindxs] values_foreach_pixel[cur_stat][i, j] = values summary_stats[j, i, k] = np.average(values) summary_sigmas[j, i, k] = np.std(values, ddof=1) / math.sqrt( len(values) ) master_header = w.to_header() # Now, write the maps to disk for k, cur_stat in enumerate(sum_stats): map_name = stats_filename[0].replace("stats", "map" + cur_stat) hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(summary_stats[:, :, k], header=master_header) hdu.writeto(map_name, overwrite=True) sigma_name = map_name.replace("map", "map_sigma") hdu_sigma = fits.PrimaryHDU(summary_sigmas[:, :, k], header=master_header) hdu_sigma.writeto(sigma_name, overwrite=True) hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(summary_stats[:, :, n_sum], header=master_header) hdu.writeto(stats_filename[0].replace("stats", "npts"), overwrite=True) # And store all the values in HDF5 format values_name = stats_filename[0].replace("stats.fits", "values_per_pixel.hd5") f = h5py.File(values_name, "w") dt = h5py.special_dtype(vlen=np.dtype(np.float)) for cur_stat in sum_stats: dset = f.create_dataset(cur_stat, (n_x, n_y), dtype=dt) for i, j in it.product(range(n_x), range(n_y)): dset[i, j] = values_foreach_pixel[cur_stat][i, j]
if __name__ == "__main__": # command line params to specify the run directory # and any other needed parameters # commandline parser parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "stats_filename", metavar="fname", type=str, nargs="+", help="Filename(s) of the stats", ) parser.add_argument( "--pix_size", default=10.0, type=float, help="pixel scale [arcsec]" ) parser.add_argument( "--verbose", default=False, type=bool, help="print pixel indices as a check" ) args = parser.parse_args() # call the function create_naive_maps(args.stats_filename, pix_size=args.pix_size)