Source code for megabeast.singlepop_dust_model

import numpy as np

import scipy
import emcee

from beast.physicsmodel.priormodel import PriorAgeModel as PhysAgeModel
from beast.physicsmodel.priormodel import PriorMassModel as PhysMassModel
from beast.physicsmodel.priormodel import PriorDustModel as PhysDustModel

from megabeast.helpers import precompute_mass_multipliers, get_predicted_num_stars

__all__ = ["MB_Model", "fit_ensemble"]

[docs] class MB_Model: """ MegaBEAST model that provides member functions to compute the likelihood and priors for a specific physical model """ def __init__(self, params): self.star_model = params.stellar_model self.dust_model = params.fd_model # setup the physics model for the beast parameters # uses the same format as the beast priors = megabeast physics model # --> needs to be generalized to also handle stellar parameters # define a dict that translates between mb params and physical models self.params = ["logA", "M_ini", "Av", "Rv", "fA"] self.physics_model = {} for cparam in self.params: if cparam in self.star_model.keys(): cmod = self.star_model[cparam] elif cparam in self.dust_model.keys(): cmod = self.dust_model[cparam] else: raise ValueError("requested parameter not in mbsetting file") self.physics_model[cparam] = {"name": cmod["name"]} self.physics_model[cparam]["varnames"] = cmod["varnames"] self.physics_model[cparam]["prior"] = cmod["prior"] for cname, cval in zip(cmod["varnames"], cmod["varinit"]): self.physics_model[cparam][cname] = cval # setup the phyics model for this parameter if cparam in self.star_model.keys(): if cparam == "logA": self.physics_model[cparam]["x"] = self.star_model["x"] self.physics_model[cparam]["nsubvars"] = len( self.physics_model[cparam]["x"] ) self.physics_model[cparam]["model"] = PhysAgeModel( self.physics_model[cparam] ) elif cparam == "M_ini": # currently no parameters possible self.physics_model[cparam]["model"] = PhysMassModel( self.physics_model[cparam] ) elif cparam in self.dust_model.keys(): self.physics_model[cparam]["nsubvars"] = 1 self.physics_model[cparam]["model"] = PhysDustModel( self.physics_model[cparam] ) # variable to control if N stars detected is computed # not done of SFH is fixed if self.physics_model["logA"]["prior"]["name"] == "fixed": self.compute_N_stars = False else: self.compute_N_stars = True # variable to allow for the computation of the mass mulitplier for each # age, mass, met to be done only once if the IMF is fixed # must be True so during the 1st call to lnlike it is computed for all cases self.compute_massmult = True self.massmultipliers = None
[docs] def start_params(self): """ Get the start parameters for the fit Returns ------- values, names : tuple names give the parameters names and values for all the submodels with non-fixed priors """ mod = self.physics_model names = [] values = [] for ckey in mod.keys(): if mod[ckey]["prior"]["name"] != "fixed": for k, cparam in enumerate(mod[ckey]["varnames"]): if ( len(np.atleast_1d(mod[ckey][cparam])) > 1 ): # expand into multiple parameters for ll, cval in enumerate(mod[ckey][cparam]): names.append(f"{ckey}_{cparam}{ll+1}") values.append(cval) else: names.append(f"{ckey}_{cparam}") values.append(mod[ckey][cparam]) return (names, values)
[docs] def lnlike(self, phi, star_lnpgriddata, beast_moddata): """ Compute the log(likelihood) for the ensemble parameters Parameters ---------- phi: floats ensemble parameters star_lnpgriddata: dictonary contains arrays of the likelihood*grid_weight values and indexs to the BEAST model grid beast_moddata: dictonary contains arrays of the beast parameters for the full beast physics grid Returns ------- log(likelihood): float """ # update the values in the physics model using the input ensemble parameters k = 0 cur_physmod = np.full((len(beast_moddata["Av"])), 1.0, dtype=float) for cparam in self.params: cmod = self.physics_model[cparam] if cmod["prior"]["name"] != "fixed": for cvar in cmod["varnames"]: if cmod["nsubvars"] > 1: for j in range(cmod["nsubvars"]): self.physics_model[cparam]["values"][j] = phi[k] k += 1 else: self.physics_model[cparam][cvar] = phi[k] k += 1 # compute the physics model for the full BEAST physics grid cur_physmod *= self.physics_model[cparam]["model"]( beast_moddata[cparam] ) # if cparam == "logA": # print(self.physics_model[cparam]["values"]) n_lnps, n_stars = star_lnpgriddata["indxs"].shape if self.compute_N_stars: # compute the mass multipliers for each age and metallicity if self.compute_massmult: self.massmultipliers = precompute_mass_multipliers( beast_moddata, self.physics_model["M_ini"]["model"] ) print("once") # only compute the massmultipliers the 1st time if the IMF is fixed # saves computation time if self.physics_model["M_ini"]["prior"]["name"] == "fixed": self.compute_massmult = False # compute the expected number of stars based on the current physics model pred_stars = get_predicted_num_stars( self.massmultipliers, beast_moddata, cur_physmod, self.physics_model["logA"]["model"], ) # cacluate the probability of the observed number of stars # ln form based on equation 8 in Weisz et al. (2013, ApJ, 762, 123) logintprob = ( n_stars * np.log(pred_stars) - pred_stars - scipy.special.gammaln(n_stars + 1) ) # print(pred_stars, n_stars, logintprob) else: logintprob = 0.0 # compute the each star's integrated probability that it fits the new model # including the completeness function for i in range(n_stars): # mask for the finite star's lnpgrid values gmask = np.isfinite(star_lnpgriddata["vals"][i]) # indxs for the star's lnpgrid values in the full beast grid curindxs = (star_lnpgriddata["indxs"][i])[gmask] # compute the integrated probability star_intprob = np.sum( (star_lnpgriddata["vals"][i])[gmask] * cur_physmod[curindxs] * beast_moddata["completeness"][curindxs] ) # checks for spoilers if not np.isfinite(star_intprob): raise ValueError("invidual integrated star prob is not finite") if star_intprob == 0.0: raise ValueError("invidual integrated star prob is zero") logintprob += np.log(star_intprob) return logintprob
[docs] def lnprior(self, phi): """ Compute the log(priors) for the ensemble parameters Parameters ---------- phi: floats ensemble parameters megabeast_model : dict MegaBEAST physical model including priors Returns ------- log(prior): floats 0 if allowed -infinite if not allowed """ cmod = self.physics_model k = 0 for cparam in cmod.keys(): cprior = cmod[cparam]["prior"] cname = cprior["name"] if cname != "fixed": if cname == "flat": for i, vparam in enumerate(cmod[cparam]["varnames"]): if cmod[cparam]["nsubvars"] > 1: for j in range(len(np.atleast_1d(cprior["minmax"][i]))): if ( phi[k] < cprior["minmax"][0][j] or phi[k] > cprior["minmax"][1][j] ): return -np.inf k += 1 else: if ( phi[k] < cprior["minmax"][i][0] or phi[k] > cprior["minmax"][i][1] ): return -np.inf k += 1 else: raise ValueError(f"{cname} prior not supported") return 0.0
def lnprob(phi, megabeast_model, star_lnpgriddata, beast_moddata): """ Compute the log(probability) for the ensemble parameters Parameters ---------- phi: floats ensemble parameters megabeast_model : class MegaBEAST physical model including priors star_lnpgriddata: dictonary contains arrays of the likelihood*grid_weight values and indexs to the BEAST model grid beast_moddata: dictonary contains arrays of the beast parameters for the full beast physics grid Returns ------- log(probability): float """ ln_prior = megabeast_model.lnprior(phi) if not np.isfinite(ln_prior): return -np.inf return ln_prior + megabeast_model.lnlike(phi, star_lnpgriddata, beast_moddata) def _get_best_fit_params(sampler): """ Determine the best fit parameters given an emcee sampler object """ # very likely a faster way max_lnp = -1e6 nwalkers, nsteps = sampler.lnprobability.shape for k in range(nwalkers): tmax_lnp = np.nanmax(sampler.lnprobability[k]) if tmax_lnp > max_lnp: max_lnp = tmax_lnp (indxs,) = np.where(sampler.lnprobability[k] == tmax_lnp) fit_params_best = sampler.chain[k, indxs[0], :] return fit_params_best
[docs] def fit_ensemble(megabeast_model, star_lnpgriddata, beast_moddata): """ Run the MegaBEAST on a single set of BEAST results. Parameters ---------- megabeast_model : class MegaBEAST physical model including priors star_lnpgriddata: dictonary contains arrays of the likelihood*grid_weight values and indexs to the BEAST model grid beast_moddata: dictonary contains arrays of the beast parameters for the full beast physics grid Returns ------- fit_results : array set of best fit parameters """ # standard minimization to find initial values def chi2(*args): return -1.0 * lnprob(*args) sparams = megabeast_model.start_params()[1] # result = op.minimize( # result = op.least_squares( # chi2, # sparams, # args=(megabeast_model, star_lnpgriddata, beast_moddata), # ftol=1e-20, # xtol=1e-20 # method="Nelder-Mead", # ) ndim, nwalkers = len(sparams), 5 * len(sparams) pos = sparams * (1.0 + 1e-1 * np.random.randn(nwalkers, ndim)) sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler( nwalkers, ndim, lnprob, args=(megabeast_model, star_lnpgriddata, beast_moddata) ) nsteps = 100 sampler.run_mcmc(pos, nsteps, progress=True) # samples = sampler.get_chain() # next step would be to # run through MCMC to fully sample likelihood # maybe include option not to run MCMC # print("output") # print(megabeast_model.physics_model) # print(result) return _get_best_fit_params(sampler)
# return result["x"]